Don't explore the dungeons before you tested your skills in the training cellars of our academy. You will find dungeons somewhere
in the wilderness. Don't enter dungeons without equipment. Especially a rope and a shovel will prove valuable. Make sure you
have a supply of torches with you, while wandering into the unknown. It's wise to travel the dungeons in groups and not alone.
For more help read all the books of the academy before you begin exploring. Traveling in the dungeons will reward the cautious
and brave, but punish the reckless.
The rat - I fear we brought this pest with us on the isle and they soon increased in numbers. You might encounter the
rats nearly everywhere, though they prefer to live undergound. Mostly harmless, they tend to destroy food supplies and can
become dangerous in greater numbers to the bad equiped human.
The snake - The poisonous snakes hide in the woods and near the northern swamps. They usually can be found at the shores
more often then in the isles centre. They are not too dangerous to a adventurer with some basic equipment. If poisoned it
is a wise decision to run straight to the monk who guards the soul vortex, where everyone enters the world of Tibia, and ask
for healing.
The spider - Similarly dangerous as the rat, the spiders were found by the first explorers of the isle and are native
to Rookgard. They live above and beneath ground and tend to live and hunt in packs to increase their danger.
The wolf - There are some smaler wolf packs on this isle. Wolves are fast, tough and dangerous. Often they are the hunters
and not the hunted on this island. It is a good decision to engage them in combat only with decent equipment and try to fight
them only one on one.
The troll - Though intelligent in a limited way, the cowardish trolls are not a threat to our small outpost. They are
able to create and use some basic equipment and quite tough to lesser weapons and unskilled fighters. Follow the advise to
have mastered some basics in shielding, before you challenge even one of them.
The bear - Bears are hard to beat! Keep that in mind before challenging one. If you are unexperienced and have no good
equipment, retreat is the tactic of choice. Best kill them in small hunting parties and use terrain to your advantage.
The orc - The green skinned orc is intelligent and able to use weapons and armor. They are warriors of some power and
very dangerous in greater numbers. We are lucky not to have encountered any of the more dangerous orcs like warriors or berserkers
on this isle.