As intensely as the orcs hate all other races, they share a feeling of community. The orcs can sense, to some extent, the
feelings of other orcs. The shamans develop this ability to such an extent, that they can sense the innermost potential of
newborn orc whelps. All newborn are tested and the shamans decide a future function in orcish society. The whelps are fed
differently, raised differently, and educated differently. Wise men of other races say that such behavior is similar to some
insects, such as bees, and through their empathetic bond might share a kind of 'hive-mind', so they refer to orc communities
as hives. The chief of a hive owns a big harem of women who have no other function than to pleasure him and give birth to
new orcs. These orcish matrons are usually incredibly big and fat, almost not able to walk on their own. Where 'normal' orcwomen
function as laborer and craftwomen and give birth to two to three orcs in their lives, these female orcs are only reproductive
machinery, giving birth to about six whelps each half year. Orcs are usually contend with their place in orcish society and
only the leaders fight each other on purpose. Rarely will an orc raise a weapon against another orc, even if they are not
of the same hive. Rivalry between hives is usually dissolved through a fight of their leaders and the victorious hive absorbs
the other one. Now and then, when a new strong warrior reaches maturity he challenges the old leader for a fight of supremacy.
Sometimes though, when the hive becomes too big for the area it occupies, such a warrior senses somehow that its time to move
on. Then he and a few other orcs leave the hive in peace to settle somewhere else. This unique culture, together with its
fertility, makes the orcs the most formidable threat to all other tibian communities.