The Cenath were the most lucky of the elves. They lived in a hidden valley in a handful of cities, far away from the rages
of war. As things turned bad for the elves much of their artifacts, artwork and books were brought to theese cities. Live
went on as usual for some time, the elves minding only their own business, as if pretending there was no war at all. Of course
the war found them at last. In an frantic attempt to rescue their lives and even their accustomed way of life the elves begun
to weave powerfull spells. Many of their best magicians litteraly 'burnt out' in the process but finally the elves succeeded.
The whole valley was torn out of the known world ... And this was bitterly needed in a world that was only stormy darkness
around the elven valley. They created a artificial light and even created weather. There they lived for hundreds of years,
studying and practicing magic, mainly to manipulate and reproduce efects of natue to enhance their lives.